5 Content Marketing Ideas for Your Website

Wondering what content to put on your website? Let us help you out with some of our suggestions…

  1. Quality over quantity. Invest time in writing good quality content for your website. Your audience will be far more interested in reading interesting, informative content than seeing a new post every day or two.
  2. Follow up posts. Review your analytical statistics to see what your top three blog posts are, then write a follow up post for each one. You can learn so much from looking at your blog statistics, use them to your advantage!
  3. List posts. Nothing beats a list post. They are informative, concise and easy to read. Users often spend less than a minute on a web page, but with interesting, engaging content that is easy to read you can capture their attention for much longer. Check out some fantastic tips on how to put together the perfect list post here.
  4. Share. If you’ve discovered something new (for example. how you doubled traffic to your website), chances are someone else will benefit from it too. Share it & become a useful source for handy hints & tips! This is a great way to start discussions & engage with potential customers as well as other businesses.
  5. Recycle. Don’t just post your blog once! Using social media, share your post over a period of time picking out different headings within the post. Try to think about who you want to target with the post, and what time they’re most likely to be online. Don’t waste a great post you’ve spent time writing by only posting about it once! Sharing it again is also a fantastic way to direct people to your website.

Need more advice on what to write about? We’d be happy to help!

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