Convert Browsing into Sales using Live Chat – Don’t Lose out to Your Competitors!

Not Sure how to Convert Traffic to your Website into Sales? Find out how our Live Chat Could Help…

Did you know in the UK 65.5% of consumers shop online? That’s a massive market all companies should take into consideration! 

One of the main draws of online shopping is the ability to have a hassle-free and speedy experience without having to leave the comfort of your own home. However, when it comes to the customer service aspect of online shopping, many retail sites don’t offer a service of real time customer support. live chat on websites

So how can we solve this problem?

Live chat allows you to engage with your customers in real time. This means that as soon as a potential customer logs onto your site, you can engage with them and provide answers to any questions they may have. Many customers want on the spot help – they don’t want to have to wait on an email or phone a call centre and wait on hold & could potentially take their custom elsewhere if that is the option they’re faced with! Live chat provides a more personal, one-on-one conversation, where the customer’s queries can be answered instantly. 

With 83% of consumers requiring some degree of assistance help when making an online purchase, a live chat system can provide on-the-spot support during a purchase. This real time support will mean that visitors wont get so frustrated, as they are getting support through the whole process and are therefore less likely to ‘abandon cart’.

63% of customers said they are more likely to purchase from a website that offers a live chat service. A further 38% of customers said they had made their purchase due to the chat session itself. Customers are loyal to companies that they feel offer the best customer experience, and with live chat your customers will see that your company goes the extra mile.

Live chat also provides you with the opportunity to upsell additional products and services. Once your customer is engaged with the your live chat operator, they are in the perfect position to recommend additional products that could benefit the customer. This will further strengthen customer loyalty and increase sales for your business.

Want to find out more about Live Chat? We’d be happy to help

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