Is your Website Mobile-Friendly?

Did you Know…

On April 21 2015, Google updated their search algorithm in order to make it more friendly for mobile users.

In simple terms, this means that when anyone searches via Google from a mobile device, Google will now rank sites which are compatible with the device more highly than those which aren’t. Devices which will be affected by this change include the likes of mobile phones, iPads and tablets.

What this Means for your Website

If your website is not mobile-friendly, this could put you at a real disadvantage compared to your competitors. Regardless of your SEO or how much better your products/services may be, if your competitor’s website is compatible and yours isn’t, this could seriously affect where you rank in a Google search. This could put you further down the search results while your competitors sit comfortably at the top of the first page.

How to Check if your Website is Mobile-Compatible

Checking if your website is mobile-friendly is simple. Just click here and enter your website’s URL as directed.

Not Mobile-Friendly?

Don’t worry – we’re here to help. Get in touch with us today to find out more!

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