Crolla’s Gelateria & Wholesale

Online Community Building & Website Re-Developments

Tweetiepie Media has worked with Crolla’s Gelateria and Wholesale on both their online social media presence and redevelopment of their websites.

Social Media Presence

TPM has worked with Crolla’s on their social media presence across all platforms for the B2B and B2C customer bases.

Our remit has included:

  • Managing distributed targeted advertising budget
  • Promoting key offers and messages
  • Linking in with key dates and occasions relevant to each location
  • Ensuring all locations are visible online and information up to date
  • Planning, creating and managing competitions



Websites for both the Gelateria and Wholesale were in need of modernisation in terms of look, feel and content.

We rebuilt both websites on wordpress to ensure they were responsive and easy to update. We ensured that the brand was maintained throughout the rebuilds and both websites were relevant and easy to navigate for each target market.

Client Name

Crolla’s Gelateria & Wholesale


Hospitality / Wholesale / Distribution


Website Creation & Development, Social Media Management, Strategic Marketing, Graphic Design